Everything is Wave-like

SOUND WAVES: An Artist Statement

In this photo series, I sought to explore the interplay between sound and matter, and the fundamental wave-like nature of all things in the universe. By using sound and sand at specific frequencies, I created patterns that visually represent the vibrations that underlie all of existence.

As human beings, we often think of ourselves as separate from the larger universe around us, but in reality, we are intimately connected to it. Every atom in our bodies is constantly in motion, vibrating at its own unique frequency. By creating these images, I wanted to remind viewers of the profound interconnectedness of all things, and the ways in which our lives are shaped by the invisible forces of sound and energy.

Ultimately, my hope is that these images will inspire viewers to contemplate their own place in the universe, and to recognize the beauty and complexity of the metaphysical forces that surround us. Whether we are conscious of them or not, we are all part of something much larger and more mysterious than ourselves, and these images are a reminder of the power and majesty of the universe in which we live.